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Counselor Corner

NBE's Guidance and Counseling Program

The counseling and guidance program is a proactive program designed to meet the social and emotional needs of the students at North Bend Elementary. Read more about the program from our school counselor, Alicia Moore.

Dear Parent or Guardian:

My name is Alicia Moore and I am your child’s school counselor. This is my 24th year at North Bend Elementary School and I absolutely love my career! The counseling program is a proactive program designed to meet the social and emotional needs of all the students at North Bend Elementary School. The counseling program consists of classroom lessons, small group counseling, individual counseling, peer mediation, and the leadership program.

Classroom lessons are conducted at each grade level in every classroom. Some topics covered are emotional regulation, empathy skill training, conflict resolution, anger management, friendship skills, social skills, diversity/inclusion, kindness and anti-bullying. Small skill based counseling groups are also conducted throughout the school year. Small group topics include friendship skills, recess/connection time, emotional regulation, divorce/separation, stress/and anxiety, conflict resolution and organization/study skills.

The leadership program is a school-wide program designed to promote a positive school culture. To help with this effort, we are focusing on students taking pride in their school experience by following the three expectations of North Bend Elementary; Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. Students may earn Panther Pride tickets when demonstrating these expectations. At the end of each month, 10 tickets are randomly picked for individual recognition, which includes the opportunity to choose a prize from the treasure box. Simultaneously, we set school-wide goals to ensure that all tickets earned count! This year, our first school wide goal will be to earn 1000 tickets. Once the goal has been met we celebrate our Panther Pride with a school-wide reward! Last year students enjoyed three school-wide awards; PJ/Stuffy Day, extra recess and popsicles!

As your child’s school counselor, I am also available for consultation on behavioral, social or emotional needs as well as community referrals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at any time. Thank you for trusting us with your precious children!

Please feel free to call me at 831-8379 or email me at if you have any questions or concerns.


Alicia Moore
NBE School Counselor

School Counselor

Alicia Moore

Faculty Information

North Bend Elementary Staff

Contact Information

School Email
School Phone
Counselor's Office