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PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports) at North Bend Elementary

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a tiered approach to student behavior management.  Tier1 represents a proactive approach, preventative foundation of expectations and procedures applicable to all students, staff and settings. Tier 2 and Tier 3 include specific, progressive interventions for students who need more support and are not responding to supports at lower levels.

Tier 1:  Universal Interventions

Universal or primary supports that are preventative in nature are implemented as the Tier 1 foundation of PBIS.  These supports are for all students, staff and settings and include the development of school-wide expectations, a behavior matrix, and reinforcement system to recognize expected behaviors.  Outcomes, systems, data and practices are continually evaluated.  It is estimated that approximately 80% of students respond to Tier 1 supports when effectively implemented and maintained. Below are Tier 1 Universal supports at North Bend Elementary:

  • School- Wide Expectations: Panthers show their Panther Pride by following three expectations throughout our school by being safe, respectful, and responsible.
  • School Wide Attention Signal: 3 fingers up in the air – three fingers also represent our three school-wide expectations as well as signal the students to be attentive.
  • Behavior Matrix: A behavior matrix outlines PRIDE expectations for common areas around the building. Expectations and components of the matrix are taught to our students at the beginning of the year and in subsequent advisory lessons throughout the year.  Behavior expectations for common areas are posted throughout campus.
  • Positive Recognition and Reinforcement: Positive student behaviors are reinforced and recognized verbally and with Panther Pride Tickets.  Students earn Panther Pride Tickets by displaying expected behaviors.  There are weekly drawings for individuals to win lunches with staff or treasure box items.   There is also a school-wide goal and each ticket earned is counted.  We celebrate reaching our school-wide goal with positive events such as pajama day, extra recess, free time in class, etc.
  • Tracking Data: Student discipline data is tracked through two confidential web based reporting systems: School Wide Information system (SWIS) and Skyward.  This data is used to identify building trends that may require additional student support. 

TIER 2:  Targeted Interventions:

Along with strengthening preventative aspects of our behavior management system, PBIS provides us with structure for students who may not be meeting behavior expectations with Tier 1 supports.  The primary prerequisite for an effective Tier 2 intervention is a firmly established and internalized system of expectations and reinforcements.  Approximately 15% of students benefit from Tier 2 interventions.

When a student is identified to benefit from Tier 2 interventions, the Tier 2 team utilizes a problem solving approach to create and monitor a plan.  Tier 2 interventions are matched to the function of behavior.  The process to identify and match students to interventions include:

  • A social emotional screener, completed each fall and spring by teachers
  • Discipline data
  • Staff observations
  • Attendance concerns

Below is a list of interventions we provide students:

  • Behavior Plans
  • Staff Lunches
  • Time Out Passes
  • Recess School
  • Small Group Counseling
  • Volunteering with Younger Students
  • Social Stories and Visual Support
  • Lunch Groups
  • Check in Check Out (H.U.G. program – Hello, Update, Goodbye)

Tier 3 Individualized Intensive Interventions

In Tier 3, individualized interventions are provided for student’s unresponsiveness to Tier 1 supports and Tier 2 interventions.  Generally, 5% of the school population require these individualized intensive services.

  • Check, Connect and Expect
  • Integrated Interventions (more than two Tier2 interventions in place)
  • Behavior Intervention Plan