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District Special Services

The Snoqualmie Valley School District offers a full range of services to support each and every student.

Counseling: A school counselor provides academic, social, and emotional support to students.

STREAM: Is our Gifted Program which Services the Top 1.5% of students as determined through a battery of assessments.

Occupational/Physical Therapy: Qualified students receive services to address gross & fine motor needs.

Student-Teacher Assistance Team (STAT): A multidisciplinary team that supports students who encounter academic, motor, social, emotional, or behavioral difficulties that persist in spite of regular classroom interventions.

Psychologist: A district psychologist provides Special Education assessment and other services for referred students.

Resource Room/Specialty: Special Education teachers and paraeducators provide Resource Room services to qualified Kindergarten through 5th grade students in the areas of Reading, Math, and Written Language and Social Skills.

Speech and Language Services: Qualified students receive support with/for communication disorders, language, speech and/or hearing impairments.

“ELL” English Language Learner: Qualified students receive extra academic and English-language assistance.

Grades K-5, using the Standards Based Reporting System
Trimesters 1 & 2 Trimester 3 Behavior/Study Habits
OT - On Track 4 - Exceeding Standard E - Exceeding Standard
PT - Progressing Towards 3 - Meeting Standard M - Meets Standard
AR - Academic Risk 2 - Working Towards Standard W - Working Towards
1 - Below Standard B - Below Expectations
X - Not taught to a Level to be Assessed Appropriately
NB - No Basis for Grade Due to Attendance
AS - Alternate Services
Homework (SVSD Policy No. 2430)

The Board of Directors of the Snoqualmie Valley School District believes that education should be a process of creating lifelong learners. Homework has a specific place in helping students to recognize that learning opportunities exist in the home and community. The Board adopts a broad definition of homework which includes not only written work but also related activities such as viewing specific television programs, news reporting, recreational reading, and other activities.

Homework should be supportive of one or more of the following purposes:

  • To complete work started in class
  • To expand or enrich regular class work
  • To build interest in reading and learning
  • To make up work missed due to absence
  • To promote parent awareness of student learning
  • To provide opportunity to pursue special interests or skill areas
  • To increase learning time
  • To increase the amount of time in class available for direct instruction
  • To reinforce independent study skills
  • To pursue projects for extra credit
  • To enhance retention of skills

Detailed guidelines for homework will be explained by each grade level at Curriculum Night.

Library Procedures

When does my child get to check-out books?
Students can check-out books on their assigned check-out day or they may stop by in the morning if given approval from their homeroom teacher (9:15-9:25).

How many books can my child check out?
Kindergarten & first grade can both check out one book. However, Kindergarten students leave their books at school while first grade students may take their books home. Second grade can check out
two books; third through fifth grades can check out three books.

My child said they put a book on hold today. What does that mean?
If a book is not available (i.e. checked-out by another student), then a hold can be placed. When the book is returned, the requested book will be held for your child and his or her teacher will be
informed that the book is now available. If a student is interested in a particular book that is available in the library, but has fulfilled their check-out limit, then a book can be held for 24 hours for them.

When are books due?
Books are due two weeks from the check-out date. We understand that things happen so books become overdue if has been checked out for more than two rotation cycles. If students haven’t finished a book yet they can always renew a book just by bringing it in and checking it out again. Overdue notices will be sent out periodically, either by paper notices or email. If your child receives a notice, please have him/her check at home, in the car, in the school desk and in the classroom book collection.

What happens if my child loses or damages a book?
If a library book is ever damaged, please remind your child to bring the book to the library so we can try to repair it. Please do not attempt to repair the book at home. A majority of the books in our collection are specially designed for library use and may not be available commercially, so our goal is to find/repair books before trying to replace them. If the book is beyond repair or is lost, it will need to be replaced. In these cases, a fine will be assessed to the student which can be paid via Family Access or we will work together to come up with a solution to replacing the title. If replacing the book is a hardship, just let us know and we will work something out.

Are you open during recess time for students to check out?
Due to the specialist schedule, the library is NOT open during recesses.

Are there fines for lost, damaged, or overdue books?
A book will be considered overdue after it has been checked out for 30 days, at which point a fine will be automatically assessed. This also applies to lost or damaged books. Once a fine has been assessed it will stay on the student’s account until it is paid. The fine will follow them to any school they attend in the district. Some schools may require a fine to be paid before participating in a school activity.

What if I pay a fine for a lost book and then I find the book?
Return the book to the library, and if it has been less than 30 days a refund will be issued. After 30 days, or if the book is found after school closes in June, refunds will not be issued for paid library fines

Student Progress Reports

Our school district will use a standards-based reporting system for kindergarten-fifth grade. The standard-based reporting forms are aligned with Common Core State Standards and our school district’s student learning expectations. The report card for each grade level is based on a continuum of skill development in the core subject areas; reading, math, and writing.