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Family Involvement, Clubs, & Activities

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Concert Schedule
  • 12/13 - Music Clubs
  • 2/15 - District Marimba Band Concert
  • 4/5 - 4th/5th grades
  • 5/2 - 2nd grade
  • 5/24 - K/1
  • 3rd Grade- TBD
  • District Choir Concert - TBD
NBES Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night gives teachers and parents an opportunity to meet each other. Teachers provide an outline of the curriculum and expectations for the school year. Here we will outline the “typical” in-person event. Following the administrator welcome for new parents, two identical sessions will be offered so that parents with more than one child at North Bend Elementary may attend multiple classroom sessions. Parents need only attend one session per teacher. Counseling, library, coding, music, and PE staff will share curriculum information during both sessions in the MPR. Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 22, 2022 from 6-7:30pm.


New Parent Welcome:

  • School Administrator Greeting & Overview 6:00-6:20, MPR

Session #1:

  • Classroom Teachers Grades K-5 6:25-6:55, classrooms
  • Counseling, Music, P.E., Technology, and Library 6:25-6:55, MPR
  • Specialty & Special Education Classrooms 6:25-6:55, classrooms

Session #2:

  • Classroom Teachers Grades K-5 7:00-7:30, classrooms
  • Music, P.E., Technology, and Library 7:00-7:30, MPR
  • Specialty & Special Education Classrooms 7:00-7:30, classrooms
Parent-Teacher Conferences

Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in November. Spring conferences are conducted for parents of children in kindergarten in March. Additional conferences are appropriate, at teacher discretion, whenever a student falls below expected standards. Report cards or progress reports are prepared for grades K-5 and will be issued at the end of each trimester to inform students and parents of academic progress. Report cards are available online through Family Access.

  • Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held in the afternoons from 11/18/22 through 11/23/22. School will dismiss early on these dates, at 12:05pm.
  • Parents will schedule their conference(s) with teachers online. Detailed information on this process will be sent out in the Fall.
  • Kindergarten Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on 03/13/23 and 03/14/23. There is no school for kindergarten students on these two dates
Safety Patrol

School Safety Patrol is made up of 4th and 5th grade students.

Students are required to follow directions from patrols. The patrol’s job is to ensure student safety on our campus.

Sibling Guidlines

To support participation and to ensure both teachers and parent volunteers can focus entirely on the children in the classroom, the following guidelines have been adopted.

Siblings may accompany parents for:

  • Assemblies and concerts during school hours
  • After-school events
  • In the lunchroom for special occasions. Make arrangements ahead of time with teacher.

Siblings are not allowed:

  • In the workroom/staff lounge.
  • At recess.
  • When parents chaperone field trips.
  • When parent volunteers are in the classroom.

The information outlined below is what visitors can expect during a typical school year.

If you plan to step onto school grounds, either in the playground area or inside the front doors, a visitor’s badge needs to be obtained from the electronic sign-in system in the office. You will need your driver’s license to sign into the system. North Bend Elementary utilizes a high-tech camera system at the school’s main entry to monitor and grant access to  visitors. Visitors will need to use the camera entry system to be allowed into the building. This safety feature will enable NBES to keep the front doors in a locked position and  monitor who is granted access to the building from 9:05am-3:35pm. The camera console includes a built-in doorbell. Guests to the school can expect and should follow this  procedure:

  • Visitors to the building should depress the doorbell and look into the camera.
  • Once the doorbell is rung, the main office is notified that someone is at the door. The console allows the school office staff to speak with visitors. The school’s secretaries might ask guests to state the purpose of their visit and possibly additional probing questions before visitors will be “buzzed in” to the school.
  • When guests are "buzzed in", there is an audible clicking sound, and the card reader turns green, which indicates that visitors can pull the doors on the far right and enter the building.
  • Enter the building and go straight to the office on your right.
  • Anyone coming onto school grounds will still need to sign in at the office with a driver’s license.

ALL VISITORS need to sign in at the office upon arrival, and wear a Visitor Badge throughout their stay. Visitor’s badges are generated by our electronic sign in system. A driver’s license is necessary in order to sign in with our system. We make every effort not to disturb classes in progress. Items being dropped off (lunches, lunch money, books, food for the class, etc.)for individual students or a class can be left at the office. Your child’s teacher will be notified of the delivery at their next class break or recess

Volunteers & Chaperones

North Bend Elementary keeps a list of pre-approved volunteers and chaperones who have successfully passed a background check. To be added to this list, please fill out the district’s Volunteer Background Form online.

Parents are welcome to join their children in the lunchroom for lunch. Please see the visitor guidelines for the check-in process.