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Absences / Attendance (SVSD 410 Policy #3122 and #3124)

The school district expects regular and punctual student attendance. Regular attendance is extremely important for your child’s educational progress. Our office must receive a call or email when your child is going to be tardy or absent.

To report your child’s absence, please call our 24 hour Absence Hotline (425) 831 3859, before 9:00 a.m. If you make this call, it will not be necessary to write a note after the absence. We will call all parents regarding absences if the office has not heard from you by 9:05 a.m.

Students who have been absent have the right to make up the assigned work upon their return to school. It is the student's responsibility to obtain the assigned work from their teacher upon  returning. Failure to make up the missed assignments within the designated time may result in a reduction of the student's grade. We ask that parents/families strongly consider planning vacations around our school calendar to have the least academic impact on your child. We recognize the positive impact that regular school attendance has on student achievement. As parents/guardians, you play a key role in helping your children achieve their goals. Did you know that when a child misses just one day of school, it takes two days to catch up? When students are not in class, they miss important information and instruction. Quality education requires regular and continuous instruction. For our students to experience continued improvement, we need to have all students in school EVERY DAY and ready to learn. Regular attendance benefits the student, the class, the school and the community.

Late Arrival or Early Dismissal:
You must come into the office to sign in/out your student.  If your student is tardy, a parent or guardian must walk the child to the front door upon arrival. Students may not walk into the building or leave unaccompanied.Students will be called out of class for early dismissal by the main office once parents are on campus.

After-School Messages or Pick-Up Changes:
Please notify the office as soon as possible of a change in your student’s after-school plan or pick up. Please try to notify the office by 2pm if any changes are being made.

After-School Messages or Pick-Up Changes

Please notify the office as soon as possible of a change in your student’s after-school plan or pick up. Please try to notify the office by 2pm if any changes are being made.

Attendance Time Frame
  • Tardy: 9:15a.m. to 10:25a.m.
  • AM Absence: 10:26a.m. to Lunch
  • PM Absence: Lunch to 2:40p.m.
  • Friday Absence: Leaving before 12:10p.m.

Daily student attendance in school is one of the cornerstones of academic success. North Bend Elementary will comply with the Washington State Attendance BECCA Law. Any student with 5 unexcused absences within any month or 10 unexcused absences during the current school year is referred to the school district, which must file a petition with the juvenile court alleging a violation of the State Compulsory Attendance Law by the parent, by the child, or by the parent and the child. We urge everyone to be in attendance 180 days per year. Unexcused Absences and Truancy Any student arriving late to school, after 9:05 am, is considered tardy. If you are tardy to school in the morning you must report to the office to check in with the attendance secretary and sign in. Tardy students must have a pass from the office in order to be admitted to their classrooms. We will emphasize to all students the importance of punctuality. School playground opens at 8:55 a.m. First bell is at 9:10 a.m. and students should be in their seats and ready for learning at 9:15 a.m. Persistent occasions of tardiness may result in the student having to make up the time missed.

Bicycles - Rollerblades - Skateboards - Scooters - Heelys

Bikes must be walked across the crosswalks and on school grounds. Immediately upon arrival at school, bikes must be parked and left in the bike racks until the end of the school day. Bike locks are strongly advised.

*Students riding bicycles will be required to wear a bicycle helmet to and from school. This is in accordance with King County ordinance for bicycle safety.

Heelys, rollerblades, and skateboards are not permitted on school grounds.

Electric and gas-powered scooters are not permitted on school grounds.

Students riding human-powered scooters should follow the same guidelines as those riding bikes.

Breakfast/Lunch Program

For the 2021-2022 school year, school meals will continue to be offered at no cost for all students.

Families can find school menus on the Food Services website.

Bus Bulletin Notifications

Parents can also sign up for Bus Bulletin notifications*, for texts or emails regarding their student’s specific school bus route in the event of an unexpected delay (of 10 minutes or more). To access this free service, parents must register each year through the district website.

*Parents must subscribe on a yearly basis for these notifications.

Classroom News

Teachers will communicate classroom news with parents through ParentSquare, Schoology, or emails. The frequency of communication will vary by teacher and grade but teachers will provide updates at least once a month

Classroom Parties (SVSD Policy #6700)

Several classroom celebrations may be scheduled during the school year. The intent of classroom parties is for the students to have an opportunity to have fun together in a socially acceptable manner  that includes all students. Please work through your classroom teacher for appropriate arrangements. Please remember to keep parties simple and expenses at a minimum. We are promoting healthy  minds and bodies at NBES. Due to food safety issues, allergies and the rise of childhood obesity, classroom celebrations and birthdays should be celebrated with healthy snacks or non-food items and  activities. Please check with your classroom teachers for any classroom allergies. Siblings are not allowed at classroom functions, please make child care arrangements for young siblings.

In general, food offered at school should meet District Nutritional Guidelines and avoid foods of minimal nutritional value. NBES administration also recognizes that occasional deviation from these  stringent expectations will occur. Prior to these special events, parents will be notified by the classroom teacher and have the opportunity to opt their child out and/or make alternative arrangements.  Deviations such as these should occur no more than quarterly and will be scheduled at the discretion of the teacher.

Community Services
  • Family Help Line: 1-800-932
  • HOPE Teen Line: 1-800-562-1240
  • Child Protection Services: 425-649-4110
  • Poison Center: 206-526-2121
  • Children’s Response Center: 425-688-5130
  • Domestic Violence: 1-800-827-8840
  • Crisis Clinic: 1-800-244-576
District News

Check the district website for district-wide information (eg. information about emergency school closures, district calendar etc).

District Policies

SVSD operations are governed by board-approved district policies. The complete list of policies are available on the district website. We would like to call your attention to the  following list of select policies.

  • #3205: Prohibition of Sexual Harassment
  • #3205P: Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
  • #3207: Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
  • #3210: Anti-discrimination Act
  • #3210P Nondiscrimination Procedure
  • #3211: Gender Inclusive Schools
  • #3211P: Gender Inclusive Procedure
  • #3230: Search and Seizure
  • #4011: Civility
  • #4210: Weapons
  • #5201: Drug Free Schools
  • #6895: Integrated Pest Management

Certified staff (e.g. teachers, counselors, nurses etc.) will respond to emails no later than 2 school days after receiving the email, barring unexpected illness or other circumstances. For urgent matters or same-day changes to transportation, call the school office instead of emailing.

Parents/guardians should communicate with their classroom teacher if they would like emails sent to more than one email address per student.

Emergency School Closures

Emergencies, such as snow, ice, power outages, and floods can alter school schedules and affect bus transportation for students. If you are in doubt about conditions, you may listen to one of nineteen area radio stations, or watch the news between 5 and 8:30 a.m. on TV: Channels 4, 5, 7, 11 for school closure information. You may also check for information on the district’s website under Emergency Information.

If there is no message about Snoqualmie Valley School District No. 410, schools are open on a normal schedule. If an announcement is made, it will say:

  • "Schools Closed"
    • All scheduled activities canceled
  • "Schools Open, One Hour Late"
    • Students arrive one hour late;
    • No Before School Activities
    • Staff comes at regular time – as safe travel allows
  • "Schools Open, Two Hours Late"
    • Students arrive two hours late;
    • No Before School Activities
    • Staff comes at regular time – as safe travel allows
  • "School Open, Limited Transportation”
    • Limited transportation due to road or flood conditions.
    • No Before School Activities

In the event we have early dismissal due to an emergency situation, parents will be notified via the district messaging system. If we do not reach anyone on your call list, we will hold your child here at school until you or someone on the emergency contact list signs them out of the office. Limited transportation means the school has NO BUSES.

Emergency Situation - Lockdown Procedures

Building lockdowns can be issued for a variety of reasons: an environmental hazard,  hazardous material or gas leak, or suspicious person in the vicinity. An order to lock-down will be issued by local authorities.During a lockdown, staff, students and parents will not be allowed to enter or exit the building until the school has been cleared to resume all  normal activities or to begin an early student dismissal process. If directed to resume  normal activities, school will dismiss at the regular time. If an early dismissal has been  ordered, families will be notified through the district messaging system and the early dismissal procedures will be put into place.

In the event of a lock-down, please do not call the school so we can maintain open lines. If it is imperative to communicate with the school, do so through the Snoqualmie Valley Police Department. Our Emergency Procedures are reviewed annually to best prepare and protect our students for a safe learning environment.

Emergency Transportation Information
  • Check District Website:
  • Call Emergency Hotline: 425-831-8494
  • Listen to Radio and TV news
  • Go to
  • (Sign up for email/text notifications through their mobile app.)

Parents can also sign up for Bus Bulletin and SmartTag by visiting the Transportation  page on the district’s website. This will allow parents to receive notifications via text or email of delays greater than 10 minutes. This is a free service. To access this free service, parents must register each year through the district website.

In the event we send students home early due to an emergency situation, parents will be notified via the district messaging system. If we do not reach anyone on your call list, we will hold your child at school until you or someone on the emergency contact list signs them out of the office.

Field Trips (SVSD 410 Policy #2320)

There are many points of interest off the school grounds to which teachers may wish to take students.

  • Permission form will be sent home- parental permission, in writing, is required for attendance.
  • If there is a fee involved, they can be paid online! it needs to be paid prior to the day of the trip. No child will be denied the opportunity to attend due to financial challenges; if you need assistance with the fee, please inform the teacher. No child is denied the opportunity to participate in field trips based on ability to pay.
  • Attendance is at principal/teacher discretion. Students not attending will be placed in another classroom with prior teacher arrangements.
  • All field trip chaperones must complete a background check through the front office no later than one week before the field trip.
  • District transportation (school buses) will be used. Chaperones must ride the bus.
  • Purchased school sack lunches need to be arranged with the kitchen ahead of time.
  • All School and SVSD rules and policies apply to field trips.
FlashAlert School Closure Information

Our district uses to post emergency closure information to media. Parents can also sign up to receive these notifications via text/email, through a mobile app, or they can view this information on the web. To subscribe:

  • Go to
  • Click on Manage your Messages.
  • Login or click on Create New Account.
  • Choose a region to Add an Organization.
    • Select Seattle/Western Washington.
    • Search for Snoqualmie Valley School District. Select Organization from the drop down list.
  • Click subscribe.
  • Follow instructions for confirming email address and options for your account.

FlashAlert's mobile app, called FlashAlert Messenger*, is the preferred and fastest method for parents/ subscribers to get emergency closure media notifications on their mobile devices. Information about downloading the free app is also available on the subscriber page. In the event we send students home early due to an emergency situation, parents will be notified via the district messaging system. If we do not reach anyone on your call list, we will hold your child at school until you or someone on the emergency contact list signs them out of the office.

*Parents must subscribe on a yearly basis for these notifications.


The forging of any signature on any letter to the school or on any school document will result in school consequence.

Friday Early Release

Your student’s attendance is important. Students will be released each Friday at 1:36 p.m.  This is not a half day. Please do not schedule any appointments or early dismissals during school hours on Friday.

In-Person Meetings and Classroom Visits

We are currently awaiting additional guidance from the Department of Health. We hope to update the information below once we know more.

Parents/guardians are requested to set up meetings and classroom visits with teachers at least 24 hours in advance of the visit, in order to respect classroom and teacher schedules.

All classroom visitors and volunteers must have background check clearance

  • A volunteer is any non-employee who provides scheduled assistance in the school and may or may not have direct contact with children.
  • A visitor is any non-employee who enters the school for a specific purpose such as a conference with a staff member, a brief visit with a class or student, or to provide a one-time service (such as a presentation to a class)

For more information on background clearance, please see the Volunteers and Chaperones section of this handbook

Late Arrival or Early Dismissal

You must come into the office to sign in/out your student. Students will be called out of class for early dismissal by the main office once parents are on campus.

Lost and Found

Please label all lunch bags, water bottles, coats, hats, boots, backpacks, and any other personal belongings with your child's name. Parents and/or students should check for lost items before the end of each trimester. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at that time. Notices will be sent out through Enews at least two weeks prior to the donation.

Mandatory Reporting

Any person who has cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect should report such incidents.

All NBES staff are legally required to report child abuse or neglect.

Non-Discrimination Notification

Snoqualmie Valley School District complies with all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations and does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all district employment and student opportunities. The Snoqualmie Valley School District will also take steps to ensure that national origin persons who lack English language skills can participate in all educational programs, services and activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Officer/Section 504/ADA/Civil Rights Coordinator, Justin May (, PO Box 400, Snoqualmie, WA 98065, phone 425-831-8043.

Online Payments

Adding money to a student's lunch account at any Snoqualmie Valley public school is now more convenient with online payments.

Parents are able to pay student Food Services fees, view account balances, and see their transaction history online. Online payments for Food Services are updated 3 times a day (6:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm). Parents who choose this option will need a Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card. Parents will be charged a 2% service fee per transaction.

To make online payments:

  • Log into the Online Payment System. Parents will need their Login and Password – the same that they use for Skyward Family Access (contact your child’s school if you do not have a login/password).
  • Select student name.
  • Select Items at Student’s School.
  • Verify information for accuracy.
  • Payment will be submitted for processing and a receipt can be viewed and printed.
  • Visitors can also check a student’s account history.
  • Logout.

ParentSquare is an easy-to-use communication tool that combines multiple communication streams into one convenient interface for families and staff. This year, the Snoqualmie Valley School District will be transitioning from our current notification system, School Messenger, to a much more robust communication platform, ParentSquare. All families will receive an invite by the district to engage with ParentSquare. From there, they'll be able to set their preferred communication mode, interact with teachers and staff, and have a one-stop shop for all district and school communication.

Once fully implemented, ParentSquare features include:

  • Mass notifications and urgent alerts with two-way communication
  • Consolidated, newsfeed-style contacts from multiple sources when and how they’re wanted
  • Mobile application for staff and parents (iOS and Android)
  • Attendance notifications
  • Teacher and classroom communication
  • Direct messaging with two-way translation
  • Social (Facebook and Twitter) and website share
  • Appointment sign-ups (parent-teacher conferences, technology pick-ups)
  • Calendar and RSVP
  • Volunteering and classroom supply sign-ups
  • And much more!

Due to concern for possible injuries, student allergies, and overall safety reasons, dogs and other pets are not allowed on school grounds.

Playground Equipment & Rules

Playground equipment will be provided for the students to use during recess time. Students may not bring personal equipment for use on the playground. Electronic devices –such as cell phones, iPods, Kindles/e-readers, Game-boys, etc. –will not be allowed for use on school grounds. If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of playground equipment, please check with the playground supervisors. We believe an enjoyable recess experience requires students and staff to interact in a RESPECTFUL, SAFE, and RESPONSIBLE manner.


  • Cooperate, make good decisions, and use self-control.
  • Be a good sport! Remember to say “I’m sorry!”
  • Give personal space; keep hands and feet to self.
  • Choose to use appropriate language and tone of voice at all times.
  • Settle differences peacefully (Use Rock, Paper, Scissors Game).
  • Follow Directions: Stop all activity when a whistle blows or verbal instruction has been given.
  • Games are open to everyone, but, in most cases, are separated by grade level.

SAFE “Expected” MANNER

  • Play in designated areas only; orange safety cones mean CAUTION!
  • Field area: Must be supervised by an adult. Soccer, two-finger touch football, and tag/running games may be played on the field.
  • Play within sight of the recess supervisors at all times.
  • Proper outdoor clothing attire is very important for safety and comfort.
  • Keep hands/feet to self at all times.

UNSAFE “Unexpected” MANNER

  • Do not play close to classroom windows or in the bathroom/sink area.
  • Do not enter parking lot areas or re-enter buildings without adult permission.
  • Avoid tripping, pushing, kicking and grabbing.


  • Use play equipment the way it was designed to be used.
  • Jump ropes are for jumping, not “horsey”, “helicopter” or “tying up”; jump ropes should be used on the black-top area. Hula hoops are for one person at a time and should be used on the black-top area.
  • Play equipment must be returned to the gray containers after use....this also means picking something up that you may not have played with! Gray containers are not toys and should not be used for hide/seek.

FOR BIG TOYS: Take turns, watch for other students around you and leave enough space between each other to prevent accidents

  • No jump ropes or balls in these areas
  • No pushing, rough-housing, or cutting in line
  • One student at a time on the slides and climbing equipment
  • Follow arrows in one direction on all sections of the toy

SLIDES: Walk up steps, slide down facing forward, with feet first and staying seated at all times. Keep the area clear at the bottom of the slide. Do not climb up the slide. Monkey Bars: No climbing/sitting on top of bars or hanging from bars upside down. Swing in one direction.

MONKEY BARS: No climbing/sitting on top of bars or hanging from bars upside down. Swing in one direction

CLIMBERS: One person at a time on any climbing piece of equipment. Consequences for Disregarding Playground Rules For minor issues, all or some of these consequences may be used for teaching appropriate recess behavior.

  • Verbal reminder/warning
  • Redirect student to a better choice of activity
  • Time out for “Stop and Think”
  • Loss of recess time
  • Problem-solving discussions between students, practicing the art of apologizing
  • Follow up with teacher, parent or principal, when necessary
  • For more serious violations, students will be immediately referred to the principal or assistant principal.

Positive reinforcement of respectful, safe and responsible behavior will be given in the form of praise and school award programs.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to help with congestion in Big Toy Areas, recess supervisors may close off certain structures for particular reasons when necessary. The “Green Toy” has been designated mainly for primary grades at different times during the day. The “Blue Toy” is open to all grade levels the majority of the day.

Search and Seizures

Student’s possessions shall be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures; however, general searches of school property may be conducted at any time provided there is reasonable cause for school authorities to believe that the item sought constitutes a crime, rule violation, or health or safety hazard. Illegal items (firearms, weapons, or other possessions reasonably determined to be a threat to the safety/security of others) are not permitted and will be seized by school authorities.

Secure Campus

Once students arrive at school in the morning, they may not leave the school grounds without permission. The school campus is closed to students who do not attend North Bend Elementary School. All visitors must sign in at the main office.


The Snoqualmie Valley School District supports the use of video cameras  throughout the school district to preserve district assets, enhance school safety and security for students and staff, and allow visitors access to district buildings. Security cameras are installed in public areas throughout district buildings, grounds and school buses. This supports the District’s goals to foster a safe and secure teaching and learning environment, to ensure public safety for  community members who visit or use school property, and to diminish the potential for personal or district loss or destruction of property.

Security Camera Use

The Snoqualmie Valley School District supports the use of video cameras throughout the school district to preserve district assets, enhance school safety and security for students and staff, and allow visitors access to district buildings. Security cameras are installed in public areas throughout district buildings, grounds, and school buses. This supports the District’s goals to foster a safe and secure teaching and learning  environment, to ensure public safety for community members who visit or use school property, and to diminish the potential for personal or district loss or destruction or  property. (Policy 6608)

Setting Up Contact Information

Families of new students should enroll and provide important personal information through the Online Enrollment process accessible from the district website.

Parents/guardians can update personal information through Family Access, also accessible from the district website.

Standards of Student & Staff Safety and Security

The Board of Education has set forth rules and expectations addressing student, staff safety and security and the consequences for violation of these standards. Violations of the Standards of Student & Staff Safety, Security will warrant disciplinary consequences. The Snoqualmie Valley School District’s standards of student & staff safety and security policies can be found on the district website.

Student Conduct on Buses

Download Policy

Administrative Regulations
Any misconduct by a student, which in the opinion of the bus driver or transportation management is detrimental to the safe operation of the bus or the safety of other students on the bus, shall be sufficient cause to suspend transportation privileges.

Following are basic expectations of acceptable bus behavior:

  1. Follow bus driver's directions the first time they are given.
  2. Respect yourself and others' space and property.
  3. Talk in a quiet voice.
  4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  5. Make safe choices for yourself and safety of others.

Student passengers are expected to conduct themselves in the following manner when loading, unloading, and riding a school bus.

Prior to Loading and After Unloading

  • Students are to be at their designated bus stop five (5) minutes before pick-up time.
  • At the bus stop, while waiting for the bus, students are to stay off the traveled portion of the roadway and respect private property.
  • Students are to cross the street in front of the bus and not behind it.
  • Students going to and from their bus stops where there are no sidewalks shall walk on the left-hand side of the roadway facing oncoming traffic or as often found in non-sidewalk areas on the best side of the road.
  • Students shall get on/off the bus in an orderly manner and shall obey the instructions of the driver or school safety patrolman on duty. There shall be no pushing or shoving when boarding or leaving the bus. Once off the bus, students shall adhere to rules for pedestrians.

While on the Bus

  • Upon entering the bus, students are to go directly to their seats, sit down facing forward, with their feet out of the aisle, and remain seated.
  • Students shall not be permitted to sit in the driver's seat or to the immediate right or left of the driver. Students are under the supervision of the bus driver and must obey the driver at all times. In so doing, they shall conduct themselves in a manner that will not distract the driver and not disturb other riders on the bus.
  • Each student may be assigned a seat by the bus driver in which he/she will sit at all times, unless permission to change has been given by the driver.
  • Students are to ride only their regularly assigned bus and leave the bus at their regular stop. To ride another bus or get off at a different stop requires written permission in the form of an official bus pass issued from the student's home school office.
  • In the interest of the physical safety of the students involved and cleanliness of the bus, students shall not eat or drink on the bus, except for driver and advisor discretion while on field trips and sports activities.
  • Students should open bus windows only if the driver gives permission. Hands, heads, legs, etc., are to be kept inside the bus at all times. No objects are to be thrown or passed through open windows or doors.
  • Student conduct on buses shall be the same as standards for student conduct in the classroom and other school sponsored activities.
  • Any student sitting in a seat that is equipped with lap belts must use them.
  • Students shall not tamper with emergency doors or equipment and shall follow the emergency exit drill procedure as prescribed by the driver (WAC 393-040 and 045).
  • Students identified as causing damage to buses shall be charged with the cost of the incurred damage. Students causing damage may be suspended from transportation privileges.
  • Student misconduct shall constitute sufficient reason for suspending transportation privileges

Items Not Allowed on the Bus

  • All forms of animal life (except seeing eye dogs),
  • Firearms, weapons (including, but not limited to knives), (RCW 9.41.250-9.41.280),
  • Breakable containers (glass bottles, aquariums, etc.),
  • Flammables (including, but not limited to matches, lighters, tobacco of any sort)
  • Any article which could adversely affect the safety of the bus and passengers.
  • Personal items, allowed on the bus shall be limited to only those items that can be contained in the student's personal seating space.
  • Large musical instruments that cannot be held on the student's lap or between the student's legs, i.e. trombone.

Disciplinary Procedures
The Bus Driver and Transportation Management will follow a progressive discipline procedure for dealing with students who do not follow bus-rider rules. If the violation is of such a serious nature that it would cause danger or unlawful action toward the driver or students; the violation may result in immediate loss of bus riding privileges, plus notification of parent/guardian, and building principal, and if necessary, the appropriate legal agency.

Open lines of communication will be maintained and encouraged among students, bus drivers, transportation supervision, school officials, and parent/guardian.

These rules and regulations were prepared by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, with the advice of the Chief of the Washington State Patrol and the State Director of Highways and apply to all public-school buses operating in the State of Washington. The Superintendent of Schools has adopted them as rules and regulations for the Snoqualmie Valley School District.

Progressive Discipline

  1. Driver will talk and work with student, possibly assigning a seat or separating them from a problem area or other student(s).
  2. Driver will call parents and explain the unacceptable behavior that is occurring on the bus and how the driver has worked with the student in an attempt to correct the unacceptable behavior. The driver will ask for assistance and suggestions from the parent. At this time parents should also be told that the behavior must improve, or bus privileges may be lost in the future should the child receive a 3rd Referral.
  3. First Referral: Driver will write Referral, call parent notifying the parent of problem and telling them the referral will be brought home by their child. Student takes the Referral home and returns it, signed by parent, to the bus driver. Should the Referral not be returned, the driver shall call the parent and advise his/her supervisor and the student's principal.
  4. Second Referral: Follow same procedure as First Referral.
  5. Third Referral: Follow same procedure as first and second Referrals except the third Referral will generate a letter home to parents denying bus privileges for three days. The driver will call parent telling them of third Referral and bus suspension letter notifying them of bus suspension. The letter will include dates of bus suspension and the phone number of transportation office should there be any questions or possible adjustments to dates of the bus suspension.

Serious offenses, not limited to fighting, flagrant displays of disrespect toward a driver, or possession of drugs or alcohol will result in immediate loss of bus privileges for a minimum of five (5) school days. Assault on a bus driver will result in indefinite suspension of bus riding privileges and possible criminal charges. These and all other displays of exceptional misconduct are covered in District Policy 3300.1.2, Exceptional Misconduct.

Dangerous conduct that threatens the safety of the driver and students will result in immediate suspension. Notification will be by phone, or appropriate police authorities.

Student Information Release

Use of Directory Information and Photos
Federal law permits a school district to identify certain information as directory information that may be released publicly without the permission of the parent. The Snoqualmie Valley School District identifies the directory Information as: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, grade level, participation in activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, diplomas and awards received, schools attended, and parent(s) name and email. The district may also release photographs or video of students taken in school-related circumstances not generally considered harmful or an invasion of the privacy of the students.

Directory information or photos may be used for purposes such as publication of a student directory, school-related fundraising (Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation, PTSAs), parent organization mailing lists, school yearbook, newspapers, commencement programs, and publishing honor rolls. Photos, videos, and information about students may be used in school and district newsletters, email, websites, social media sites or released to the news media, as there are many opportunities to recognize student accomplishments and activities throughout the year. Information will not be released for commercial purposes.

Parents who DO NOT want directory information or photographic images released must submit an OPT-OUT request in writing to their student’s school office ANNUALLY—by September 15 each year.

More information regarding FERPA and the opt-out process is available online at: If the school does not receive a written request by September 15th, the school will assume that there is no objection to releasing such information.

Student Records

The district and the school will not release any records concerning a student without written parental consent. The district may, however, release the following information without written consent: student’s name, address and phone number; date and place of birth; field of study; participation in sports and activities; height and weight of players on teams; dates of attendance, degrees and awards; most recent educational agency attended; and photographs for public information purposes.

If you do not want any information released, you may submit a written request that information not be released.

Review of Records

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Ace (FERPA), parents have certain rights regarding their student’s educational records:

Parents have the right to inspect and review their student’s education records; to do so, parents should submit a written request to the principal. The principal will make arrangements for access and review of their child’s records. According to state law, a response must be made within five business days.

Parents have the right to request an amendment of the student’s education records if they believe in formation is inaccurate or misleading. Parents may ask the district to amend the record by writing a request to the principal, specifying the part of the record they want changed and why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the district decides not to amend the record, they will notify the parent of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing.

Parents have the right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in their student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Exceptions include school officials who have legitimate educational interests.

Parents have the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with requirements of FERPA:

[Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education 600 Independence Avenue, SW; Washington, DC 20202-4605]

Student Rights

Students are guaranteed certain rights under the Constitution of the United States. No person, however, is guaranteed the right to commit acts that materially and substantially interfere with the appropriate discipline and operation of the school, or which interfere with the rights of others. No pupil shall be deprived of educational opportunity by the district without due process of the law.

More information can be found on the district website about the following student services:

  • Special Education
  • Section 504
  • English Language Learners
  • Title 1/LAP
  • McKinney-Vento (Homeless program)
Substance Abuse (SVSD Policy No. 5201)

Because the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by children and adolescents is harmful and illegal, we will not allow their use. We support chemical abstinence for all adolescents and children so that they can reach their full intellectual, emotional, social, and physical potential. All school personnel will enforce the prohibition of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Prevention services and other resources are available through community agencies and consultation with school staff.

Telephone Calls

Teachers will not answer phone calls from parents while class is in session. For urgent communication, please call the front office instead.

Please keep your contact information (including emergency contacts) updated and inform the school immediately of any changes.


Students involved in theft, or in possession of stolen property, will be subject to school consequences. The student will replace or pay for the stolen items. Finding a lost item and keeping it constitutes theft. Legal authorities may be contacted.


It is expected that students will travel to and from school in the same way each day. Should an emergency arise and a change is needed, please send a note to your child’s teacher no later than
the morning of the change.

The school’s supervision team is on duty beginning at 8:55am. Students and/or parents should not arrive on campus before 8:55am, unless an appointment has been made with a staff member, or if
they are signed up for a morning activity/club. Students eating breakfast may go directly to the lunchroom at 8:55am. The first bell will ring at 9:05am, and then a second bell rings at 9:10am, by
which time all students are expected to be in their classroom for attendance

  • ● The first dismissal bell will ring at 3:34 and then again at 3:36, Monday -Thursday.
  • ● The first dismissal bell will ring at 1:34 and then again at 1:36, on Friday.

Bus Riders (SVSD Procedure #6605P)
Students provided with transportation are responsible for complying with the district's rules of conduct for students riding buses. Failure to adhere to these rules, or abusive behavior towards the
public, driver, fellow passengers or the vehicle constitutes justification for initiating corrective action against a student.

Students who walk should leave immediately for home once school is dismissed; there is no after school supervision provided.

Car Safety: Pick-Up and Drop-Off Procedures
When picking up your student, please use the pick-up/drop-off lanes (NO IDLING PLEASE) or park your car and walk up to the front of the school.

Please plan on plenty of extra time to get in and out of the parking lot if you are bringing students to school or coming to pick them up. The lane closest to the curb in front of the school is for loading
and unloading only. When picking up or dropping off from the loading/unloading lane, please stay in your car and have your child(ren) load or unload from the passenger side of the vehicle. If you elect
to park your car in our school’s parking lot, please walk your child across the parking lot and loading/unloading lane to ensure their safety. Any parents wishing to meet their child on the playground at pickup may park in a designated space and walk across the pickup lane to meet them. Please do not park your car in the loading area and leave your car unattended; this creates a backup of traffic and does not allow the traffic to move forward.

Bus lanes and the entry and exit for the bus loop needs to remain clear at all times. We ask that parents picking up their child from school enter the school’s parking lot via Third Street. Downing
Street is to be kept clear so that our buses can easily enter the bus loop and ensure students are loaded onto the buses in a timely manner. Please do not drive in or drop off students in the bus
loading zone.

Unless you have a permit, parking is prohibited in the handicapped parking spaces.

Safety Patrol
School Safety Patrol is made up of 4th and 5th grade students. Students are required to follow directions from patrols. The patrols’ job is to ensure student safety on our campus.

Use of Mass Call Out Notifications

Snoqualmie Valley schools use an automated mass notification system (School Messenger) to contact families by phone regarding emergencies, unexcused absences, and other school-related information. The Federal Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) allows parents to opt out of receiving general information calls from the District and schools.

Families who DO NOT want to receive general automated phone calls need to let their school office know in writing (form), by September 15 each year.

Please note that families who choose to opt out from phone calls may miss important information about their student(s).


The school defines vandalism as the willful destruction or defacement of school district property and/or staff property. Any student or students found vandalizing will be assigned school consequences and will pay for the damage or loss. (RCW 28A.635.060)

Weapons (SVSD Policy No. 3601)

Firearms and other weapons are not allowed in school, at school sponsored activities, or on school grounds and other school district facilities including school provided transportation. Any student found using, possessing, or carrying any weapon or object that could reasonable be considered a weapon, violates  Washington state law. This will result in an immediate expulsion for no less than one calendar year, including notification of parents and law enforcement. The expulsion may be modified by the school district on a case-by-case basis. (RCW 9.41.250 & RCW 9.41.270).

Withdrawal from School

Please notify the office if a student will be withdrawing from school. The office will issue the withdrawal form and all books and outstanding fees or deposits must be resolved. Records  will not be sent to another school until all fees, or fines, have been paid.