Student Conduct
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The Snoqualmie Valley School District believes that a safe, civil environment is essential to high student and staff achievement, to the free exchange of ideas central to a quality educational process, and to the development of youth as thoughtful participants in our democracy. Conversely, uncivil conduct, like other forms of disruptive behavior, interferes with a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students.
The Snoqualmie Valley School District Board of Directors encourages administrators, faculty, staff, students, volunteers, parents, and other community members to participate in maintaining a clear expectation of civil conduct and problem-solving throughout the school district. The Board does not condone uncivil conduct on school grounds or at school-sponsored activities, whether by staff, students, parents, volunteers, or other District visitors.
The basic purpose of this policy is three-fold:
- To promote a work and learning environment that is safe, productive and nurturing for all staff and students, and to encourage the free flow of ideas without fear or intimidation;
- To provide our students with appropriate models for respectful problem-solving; and,
- To reduce the potential triggers for violent conduct, such as fear, anger, frustration and alienation— especially by making problem-solving procedures and alternatives to violence readily accessible to both youth and adults who need them.
For purposes of this policy, “uncivil conduct” includes the following: directing vulgar, obscene or profane gestures or words at another individual; taunting, jeering, inciting others to taunt or jeer at an individual; raising one’s voice at another individual, repeatedly interrupting another individual who is speaking at an appropriate time and place; imposing personal demands at times or in settings where they conflict with assigned duties and cannot reasonably be met; using personal epithets, gesturing in a manner that puts another in fear for his/her personal safety, invading the personal space of an individual after being directed to move away, physically blocking an individual’s exit from a room or location, remaining in a classroom or school area after a teacher or administrator in authority has directed one to leave, violating the privacy of another individual’s belongings (except for lawful searches by school officials conducted in connection with the administration of school rules and applicable laws), or other similar disruptive conduct.
“Uncivil conduct” does not include the expression of controversial or differing viewpoints that may be offensive to some persons, so long as (1) the ideas are presented in a respectful manner and at a time and place that are appropriate, and (2) such expression does not materially disrupt, and may not be reasonably anticipated to disrupt, the educational process.
In all cases, individuals who perceive they have been treated in an uncivil manner should resolve their concerns through simple, direct or assisted communication with the person(s) at the source of the concern. When this is not possible or appropriate, any person who needs help in identifying and/or using appropriate problem solving procedures may seek assistance from the school principal, principal designee, or work site administrator. Individuals are encouraged to work out issues of concern promptly—and preferably no later than two (2) days after an incident has occurred. No retaliation will be tolerated against individuals for working in good faith under this policy and its related procedures to resolve concerns.
This policy seeks to promote a school culture of respect and civility. Severe or persistent acts of uncivil conduct may, however, violate other school rules, such as the District’s policies against harassment and sexual harassment, or specific conduct codes. Violation of such policies may result in further action, such as discipline, adverse employment action, or criminal charges, as applicable. Nothing in this policy is intended to interfere with the ability of school officials to maintain order and discipline in the schools or to enforce school rules and applicable laws.
Cross References/Related Policies and Procedures: Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs
6390 Sexual Harassment
3207 Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and, Bullying
Acceptable dress and appearance is that which does not endanger health or safety, is not offensive to others, and is non-disruptive to the educational process. Students need to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate.
Students sent to the office for a dress-code violation will call home to have appropriate clothing brought to school before returning to class.
- Hats, caps, bandanas or hoods are not to be worn, except outside.
- Clothing and jewelry may not advertise or promote the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, profane or suggestive language, or other obscenities.
- No excessive amounts of perfume or cologne. This can cause respiratory difficulties and allergic reactions.
- Shoes should be durable, and appropriate for running, playing and climbing at recess, and for P.E. For safety purposes no open-toe shoes, flip-flops or platform shoes.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Wheelie shoes are NOT to be worn to school.
- No wallet/Pocket Chains
- Undergarments must be covered.
- Clothing must be free from large holes.
Please label all lunch bags, water bottles, coats, hats, boots, backpacks, and any other personal belongings with your child's name. A "Lost & Found" area is located near the multipurpose room.
Items not claimed by the end of each trimester will be donated.
Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed for our wet Northwest weather conditions
Students are not allowed to bring or chew gum at school.
The Snoqualmie Valley School District is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, volunteers and patrons, free from harassment, intimidation or bullying.
“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional act, by electronic, written, verbal, or physical means – including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion,
ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics – that:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student's property; or
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education; or
- Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Harassment and bullying behaviors can be viewed in two categories:
- Serious, unwanted conduct, such as threats or physical actions;
- Ongoing, unwanted behavior, a pattern of behavior rather than random incidents of meanness or hurtful behavior.
Harassment/Bullying can include (but is not limited to):
- Verbal– name calling, slurs, harassment, teasing, derogatory remarks, rumors, etc.;
- Non-verbal– threatening tones, gestures, inappropriate touching, or actions that intentionally humiliate or threaten a student’s sense of safety;
- Violating personal space– (ex. Bouncing a ball on the back of your bus seat to bug you constantly);
- Physical– hitting, kicking, etc.;
- Exclusion– leaving people out on purpose, cliques, exclusive clubs, telling friends not to be friends with you;
- Threats– communicating to cause fear or anxiety in another person(s), trying to control another with a threat of harm;
- Gender/sexual based or individuality– harassment about gender/sexual orientation or physical appearance;
- Cyber– using technology to bully: social network sites, webpages, text messages, instant messaging, hate blogs, pictures, prank phone calls, etc.;
- Indifferent– being a bystander and not reporting, or laughing and going along with it.
- Sexual Harassment, defined as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (SVSD Policy # 6590)
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of a student’s participation.
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for the student’s participation or decision affecting the student.
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the student’s school performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
At SVSD, our practice for handling harassment and bullying is for students to report to their teacher, the school counselor, assistant principal or the principal if they are being bullied and/or harassed or if they have witnessed bullying/harassment. We work with students, parents, and teachers in a cooperative, problem-solving manner, which typically results in a positive outcome for all parties. We continue to monitor the situation and take all necessary actions to remedy any ongoing problems. (RCW OA.36.080)
All students will use the Internet and the many valuable technological resources available to them as they progress with their education at SVSD. We have a security and filtering system that very effectively controls access to inappropriate material by students. In addition, teachers and instructors are present whenever students are working on computers at school. With this educational opportunity also comes responsibility.
Playground equipment will be provided for the students to use during recess time. Students may not bring personal equipment for use on the playground. Electronic devices –such as cell phones, iPods, Kindles/ereaders, Game-boys, etc. –will not be allowed for use on school grounds. If you have questions or concerns regarding the use of playground equipment, please check with the playground supervisors. We believe that an enjoyable recess experience requires students/staff to interact in a RESPECTFUL, SAFE and RESPONSIBLE manner.
- Cooperate, make good decisions, and use self-control.
- Be a good sport! Remember to say “I’m sorry!”
- Give personal space; keep hands and feet to self.
- Choose to use appropriate language and tone of voice at all times.
- Settle differences peacefully (Use Rock, Paper, Scissors Game).
- Follow Directions: Stop all activity when a whistle blows or verbal instruction has been given.
- Games are open to everyone, but, in most cases, are separated by grade level.
SAFE “Expected” MANNER
- Play in designated areas only; orange safety cones mean CAUTION!
- Field area: Must be supervised by an adult. Soccer, two-finger touch football, and tag/running games may be played on the field.
- Play within sight of the recess supervisors at all times.
- Proper outdoor clothing attire is very important for safety and comfort.
- Keep hands/feet to self at all times.
UNSAFE “Unexpected” MANNER
- Do not play close to classroom windows or in the bathroom/sink area.
- Do not enter parking lot areas or re-enter buildings without adult permission.
- Avoid tripping, pushing, kicking and grabbing.
- Use play equipment the way it was designed to be used.
- Jump ropes are for jumping, not “horsy”, “helicopter” or “tying up”; jump ropes should be used on the black-top area. Hula hoops are for one person at a time and should be used on the black-top area.
- Play equipment must be returned to the gray containers after use....this also means picking something up that you may not have played with! Gray containers are not toys and should not be used for hide/seek.
FOR BIG TOYS: Take turns, watch for other students around you and leave enough space between each other to prevent accidents
- No jump ropes or balls in these areas
- No pushing, rough-housing, or cutting in line
- One student at a time on the slides and climbing equipment
- Follow arrows in one direction on all sections of the toy
SLIDES: Walk up steps, slide down facing forward, with feet first and staying seated at all times. Keep the area clear at the bottom of the slide. Do not climb up the slide. Monkey Bars: No climbing/sitting on top of bars or hanging from bars upside down. Swing in one direction.
CLIMBERS: One person at a time on any climbing piece of equipment. Consequences for Disregarding Playground Rules For minor issues, all or some of these consequences may be used for teaching appropriate recess behavior.
- Verbal reminder/warning
- Redirect student to a better choice of activity
- Time out for “Stop and Think”
- Loss of recess time
- Problem-solving discussions between students, practicing the art of apologizing
- Follow up with teacher, parent or principal, when necessary
- For more serious violations, students will be immediately referred to the principal or assistant principal.
Positive reinforcement of respectful, safe and responsible behavior will be given in the form of praise and school award programs.
State law requires that appropriate flag exercises be held in each classroom at the beginning of the school day. Students not reciting the Pledge of Allegiance are asked to maintain a respectful silence.
Administrative Regulations
Any misconduct by a student, which in the opinion of the bus driver or transportation management is detrimental to the safe operation of the bus or the safety of other students on the bus, shall be sufficient cause to suspend transportation privileges.
Following are basic expectations of acceptable bus behavior:
- Follow bus driver's directions the first time they are given.
- Respect yourself and others' space and property.
- Talk in a quiet voice.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Make safe choices for yourself and safety of others.
Student passengers are expected to conduct themselves in the following manner when loading, unloading, and riding a school bus.
Prior to Loading and After Unloading
- Students are to be at their designated bus stop five (5) minutes before pick-up time.
- At the bus stop, while waiting for the bus, students are to stay off the traveled portion of the roadway and respect private property.
- Students are to cross the street in front of the bus and not behind it.
- Students going to and from their bus stops where there are no sidewalks shall walk on the left-hand side of the roadway facing oncoming traffic or as often found in non-sidewalk areas on the best side of the road.
- Students shall get on/off the bus in an orderly manner and shall obey the instructions of the driver or school safety patrolman on duty. There shall be no pushing or shoving when boarding or leaving the bus. Once off the bus, students shall adhere to rules for pedestrians.
While on the Bus
- Upon entering the bus, students are to go directly to their seats, sit down facing forward, with their feet out of the aisle, and remain seated.
- Students shall not be permitted to sit in the driver's seat or to the immediate right or left of the driver. Students are under the supervision of the bus driver and must obey the driver at all times. In so doing, they shall conduct themselves in a manner that will not distract the driver and not disturb other riders on the bus.
- Each student may be assigned a seat by the bus driver in which he/she will sit at all times, unless permission to change has been given by the driver.
- Students are to ride only their regularly assigned bus and leave the bus at their regular stop. To ride another bus or get off at a different stop requires written permission in the form of an official bus pass issued from the student's home school office.
- In the interest of the physical safety of the students involved and cleanliness of the bus, students shall not eat or drink on the bus, except for driver and advisor discretion while on field trips and sports activities.
- Students should open bus windows only if the driver gives permission. Hands, heads, legs, etc., are to be kept inside the bus at all times. No objects are to be thrown or passed through open windows or doors.
- Student conduct on buses shall be the same as standards for student conduct in the classroom and other school sponsored activities.
- Any student sitting in a seat that is equipped with lap belts must use them.
- Students shall not tamper with emergency doors or equipment and shall follow the emergency exit drill procedure as prescribed by the driver (WAC 393-040 and 045).
- Students identified as causing damage to buses shall be charged with the cost of the incurred damage. Students causing damage may be suspended from transportation privileges.
- Student misconduct shall constitute sufficient reason for suspending transportation privileges
Items Not Allowed on the Bus
- All forms of animal life (except seeing eye dogs),
- Firearms, weapons (including, but not limited to knives), (RCW 9.41.250-9.41.280),
- Breakable containers (glass bottles, aquariums, etc.),
- Flammables (including, but not limited to matches, lighters, tobacco of any sort)
- Any article which could adversely affect the safety of the bus and passengers.
- Personal items, allowed on the bus shall be limited to only those items that can be contained in the student's personal seating space.
- Large musical instruments that cannot be held on the student's lap or between the student's legs, i.e. trombone.
Disciplinary Procedures
The Bus Driver and Transportation Management will follow a progressive discipline procedure for dealing with students who do not follow bus-rider rules. If the violation is of such a serious nature that it would cause danger or unlawful action toward the driver or students; the violation may result in immediate loss of bus riding privileges, plus notification of parent/guardian, and building principal, and if necessary, the appropriate legal agency.
Open lines of communication will be maintained and encouraged among students, bus drivers, transportation supervision, school officials, and parent/guardian.
These rules and regulations were prepared by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, with the advice of the Chief of the Washington State Patrol and the State Director of Highways and apply to all public-school buses operating in the State of Washington. The Superintendent of Schools has adopted them as rules and regulations for the Snoqualmie Valley School District.
Progressive Discipline
- Driver will talk and work with student, possibly assigning a seat or separating them from a problem area or other student(s).
- Driver will call parents and explain the unacceptable behavior that is occurring on the bus and how the driver has worked with the student in an attempt to correct the unacceptable behavior. The driver will ask for assistance and suggestions from the parent. At this time parents should also be told that the behavior must improve, or bus privileges may be lost in the future should the child receive a 3rd Referral.
- First Referral: Driver will write Referral, call parent notifying the parent of problem and telling them the referral will be brought home by their child. Student takes the Referral home and returns it, signed by parent, to the bus driver. Should the Referral not be returned, the driver shall call the parent and advise his/her supervisor and the student's principal.
- Second Referral: Follow same procedure as First Referral.
- Third Referral: Follow same procedure as first and second Referrals except the third Referral will generate a letter home to parents denying bus privileges for three days. The driver will call parent telling them of third Referral and bus suspension letter notifying them of bus suspension. The letter will include dates of bus suspension and the phone number of transportation office should there be any questions or possible adjustments to dates of the bus suspension.
Serious offenses, not limited to fighting, flagrant displays of disrespect toward a driver, or possession of drugs or alcohol will result in immediate loss of bus privileges for a minimum of five (5) school days. Assault on a bus driver will result in indefinite suspension of bus riding privileges and possible criminal charges. These and all other displays of exceptional misconduct are covered in District Policy 3300.1.2, Exceptional Misconduct.
Dangerous conduct that threatens the safety of the driver and students will result in immediate suspension. Notification will be by phone, or appropriate police authorities.
The office phone is a business phone and is not to be used by children for planning play-dates, parties, etc. A student is not to use the phone without a note from his teacher, and only then in EMERGENCIES. In case of illness of a child, school staff will make the call home. Children will be allowed to use the phone any time a teacher gives a child a note. Please remind your child to ALWAYS leave a message when they call home from school.
Cell phones and SMART watches may be used outside the buildings before school and after school. They must be turned off and stored out of sight at all other times.
Personal Electronic devices (such as cell phones, iPods, cameras, Kindles/e-readers, electronic games) should be left at home. Students who choose to bring such devices to school do so at their own risk, and accept that they are to be used before/after school only. All electronic devices should be off and away during the school day. Inappropriate use of electronic devices during the school-day will result in confiscation of the item and potential disciplinary action.
Camera / Recording - Students are prohibited from using cameras/phones to document, instigate, or support undesirable behaviors; any student using photographic equipment/apps for inappropriate purposes may receive disciplinary consequences. Students should obtain permission from their teacher before making recordings and/or taking pictures.
Buying, trading, and selling between students is not allowed. Any personal possession that becomes a classroom distraction will be confiscated and held until claimed by a parent.
Playground equipment will be provided for the students to use during recess time. Students may bring the following personal equipment for use on the playground: balls (excluding hard baseballs), gloves, and jump ropes.
Firearms and other weapons are not allowed in school, at school sponsored activities, or on school grounds and other school district facilities including school provided transportation. Any student found using, possessing, or carrying any weapon or object that could reasonable be considered a weapon, violates Washington state law. This will result in an immediate expulsion for no less than one calendar year, including notification of parents and law enforcement. The expulsion may be modified by the school district on a case-by-case basis. (RCW 9.41.250 & RCW 9.41.270).